2009 Productions

  • IL TEATRO SAN CARLO DI NAPOLI (The San Carlo Theatre of Naples)
    Corporate video 1x52’ for the San Carlo Theatre of Naples
    One of the oldest, most fascinating and popular theatre in Europe: a cross-section of culture, customs but also politics and history in addition to music, art, mixed ingeniousness and emotion.
  • GIANNI MORANDI: UNO SU MILLE (One out of one thousand)
    C’era un ragazzo (There was a boy)
    Uno su mille (One out of one thousand)

    Biographies 2x52' for La Storia siamo noi, Rai Educational
    Two shows presenting Gianni Morandi, the Italian eternal “boy”, through testimonies of family members, friends, colleagues, critics but above all through his work and his hits.
    Documentary 1x28' for La Storia siamo noi,
    Rai Educational Risky Regions for EBU
    How's life in the shadow of a volcano? A twelve-year-old boy, living in San Sebastiano a Vesuvio gives us an opportunity to find out and understand the questions, the fears and the future prospects of a young man growing up in a risky area.
  • CORPORATE VIDEO CONAI – Chi differenzia vince (Those who separate win)
    Corporate video – 1x30”
    A video promoting the campaign in favour of separate waste collection organized at Rome's Stadium. Exceptional testimonials by Tommaso Rocchi and Alberto Aquilani and by a gigantic bottle...
  • » cont.