Produzione 2010

  • The Mystery of the Counterfeiter
    History(1x52'). Rai Educational
    The story of a man who lived for years a life of obscurity, in the Middle Earth between State secrets, terrorism and organized crime.
    His name is Toni Chichiarelli. From time to time, he has been associated to the world of fake art, a notorious criminal organization based in Rome, the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, the robbery of the century in 1984 to the depot of the Brink's Securmark in Rome.
    But who was actually Toni Chichiarelli? Thirty years later, what are the mysteries that still cover the life of this man in legend?
  • Hunting for Prime Numbers
    History-Science(1x51'). Rai Educational
    Historical-scientific documentary on the relationship between mathematics, cyber-security and teaching.
    From Riemann hypothesis to cryptography.
  • The Scam Lovers
    Society(1x52'). Rai Educational
    Mario and Filomena, two hearts in love, a thousand of scams scored.
    With scientific precision and leaving no trace, together they devised and carried out for thirty years sophisticated plans that rivaled the most notorious couples of thieves.
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